How to create an internal marketing budget

Marketing budget piggybank

So many agencies don’t have a well thought-out, documented internal marketing budget of their own, yet if your agency was a client and your marketing strategy was the new brief one of the first things you’d want to know is “What’s your budget?”. It’s a crucial piece of information and without it you’re just shooting…

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What does an outsourced marketing director do?

Picture of Sarah and greeting

I often get asked “So what does an outsourced marketing director actually do?!” Which I’m guessing is something a lot of marketers, regardless of job title, can probably empathise with! So, I thought it might be nice to take you behind the scenes at Purple Banana HQ and show you what I get up to.…

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How to improve your marketing strategy

Building blocks

When was the last time you took a step back and assessed how well your marketing is performing and what might not be quite up to par? As we find ourselves in a post-pandemic world, when no doubt your business has changed forever, if you haven’t done so already, now really is the time to…

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Marketing strategy must haves

Marketing strategy

Is your marketing delivering what you need it to?  Do you struggle to understand what’s working and what isn’t?  Don’t, worry – you’re not alone! More often than not people focus all their time and effort jumping from one tactic to the next, without really having a strategy – or even a goal in mind.…

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Reaching your full business potential

What’s really getting in your way? Being a business owner myself and having listened to some truly inspirational stories from fellow business owners from all walks of life lately, one thing is strikingly apparent… no matter what stage we’re at in our business journey, the lessons we learn along the way are as relevant to…

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